Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thinking About You

You have to know I'm thinking about you like I know you're not thinking about me. You just up and left me one day unexpectedly and confused the shit out of everyone.

I'm thinking about you like...
nooses think about hanging like...
drummers think about banging
like gangsters thing about...banging...

I'm thinking about you like...
keyboards think about typing like...
mouses? think about clicking
like mice think about cheese...
like Packers fans think about cheese

I'm thinking about you like...
like lawn mowers think about grass
like druggies think about grass and
thinking about being high like...
a plane is thinking of flying high.

I'm thinking about you like...
why did you have to end things?
I thought we were a thing
I thought we would be together like...
cookies and milk like
rappers and hoes
like gardeners and hoes

I was thinking about...
holding hands with you
cuddling with you
holding you tight...never letting go
...but you decided to leave

I said I would give you another chance,
but you just said "not a chance"
You don't realize that you're missing out...
and when you do, you'll wonder why you wanted out.


  1. Shannon,
    You have pulled almost directly from the original poem, but that was the point of the exercise, correct?
    Excellent theft!

  2. My goal at the beginning wasn't to have it be that close, but I just started and my mind just kept going with it.

  3. I liked it, It reminded me of my own relationships. The ability to write about a personal experience and be able to have others relate to it in the same way is a golden attribute. Do your thang

  4. I love it, love your writing.
    Keep it up.
